Behind every suicide there’s:
a friend who was busy
Family that wouldn’t acknowledge the truth
A friend who had their own shit going on
A friend who didn’t think they were serious
A coworker who didn’t know
A person who thought it best to love from a distance
After every suicide is:
A friend who wishes they had made time
A friend who wishes they listened and believed
Family who wishes they were “better”
A person who wishes they closed the gap
A friend who wishes they reached out when they had the chance
Behind Each Regret there’s:
A friend who’s angry that they weren’t reached out to
A shamed person who’s sad they weren’t enough
A person who’s guilty of and for being the the straw that broke the camel’s back
The collective pain of missing the opportunity to give “flowers”
The collective grief of having no way to give or water the flowers of love
Let’s not live in regret. Let’s go behind the scenes before the end of the show. Be kind. Be present. Give and water the flowers. Be the reason someone says “…maybe just one more day”
To my one more day people: